12-year-old girl getaway driver in Auckland dairy robbery

By 1news.co.nz and is republished with permission.

The thieves used a hammer to break the glass on the front window and stole cigarettes among other property. (Source: Supplied)

CCTV footage proved to 1News shows three people in hoodies breaking the front shop window with a hammer and rushing inside.

Police patrolling the area noticed the broken window and approached the store. Hearing police outside, the thieves ran out of the store and got into a waiting vehicle.

Police say a 12-year-old girl drove the car as it fled the scene, attempting to allude them on the Southern Motorway.

However, the police Eagle helicopter was in the area and quickly located the vehicle, following it until it exited the motorway at Mt Wellington.

“After losing control in wet conditions, the vehicle slid into a tree and came to a stop. Police officers arrived and took all five occupants into custody,” police said in a statement.

READ MORE: 7-year-old among kids trying to rob Hamilton shopping centre

Police said a large amount of stolen property was recovered from the vehicle including a duffle bag full of cigarettes.

Three teens were referred to Youth Aid following the incident.

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